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About Evilness

Every problem with evilness found on this earth
has to do with privation of value and worth.
An incompetent being, of no worth and use,
will conform to the horror of simple abuse.

He will make up a being an idol diverts
since his lack of control is a being which hurts,
he will make up a being which has an effect,
since it hurts to be laughed at and seen as suspect.

In fact evilness is just stupidity shown.
It is simple and beggarly. Let that be known.
And teach children to read and to write, so that they
occupation which gives them some honour find, may.

And encourage each other to live by the faith
which is given by solid belief in one's wraith!
Christ is bread and is wine. In His name we are fine,
with the feeling of worth as the corn and the vine!

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